Link Coupled tuners and input relay box
In fall 2015 I rebuilt my input relay switch box, because the previous 8A rated relays had been fried by many 48-hours periods of RTTY operation with the amp on. Below you can see the relay box I use for coax now, using 20A-rated HVAC contactors inside. In early 2015 after I got my big-boy amp, I had to beef up insulation and capacitor plate spacing for several tuners. From left to right: 80M, 20M/15M, 40M. Alligator clips have to be moved on 80M tuner to QSY from CW to phone, and to QSY between 20M and 15M at the moment. For the most part these tuners are there to let me quickly QSY between NA sprint bands.
Note the link-coupled coil sets are on matching banana-plug bases. Coilsets shown were built in 2009 or so. Until fall 2014 I had no relay switching; I would QSY between bands by swapping out coilsets on the leftmost (80M) base.
Ladder line relays
Open-frame relays used to switch ladder line between different networks.
L Network for 160M
I had been rearranging it to test a doorknob cap and to check out ability to QSY network up into 160M phone band. "Temporary" alligator clip was used in operation for ARRL 160M! Note the "temporary" business-card spacer/shim used to keep windings flat in one part of the coil - that has been there since at least 2013.